Working With PSyclone from GitHub

A PSyclone developer will, by definition, be working with the GitHub PSyclone repository rather than installing a released version from pypi (using e.g. pip install psyclone). This section describes the general set-up necessary when using PSyclone in this way. It also describes some of the development practises of the PSyclone project.

More detailed instructions for the Ubuntu and OpenSUSE Linux distributions may be found in the System-specific Developer Set-up Section.


Although PSyclone releases always work with a released version of fparser, the same is not always true of other versions (e.g. the HEAD of the master branch). For those versions of PSyclone requiring fparser functionality that is not yet in a release, we use the git submodule feature such that the PSyclone repository always has a link to the correct version of fparser. In order to obtain this version the PSyclone repository must be cloned with the --recursive flag:

> git clone --recursive

Alternatively, if you already have a local clone of the PSyclone github repository then doing:

> git submodule init
> git submodule update --init

will fetch the fparser submodule. Failure to do this will mean that for example the <PSYCLONEHOME>/external/fparser directory will be empty.

Note that after cloning the repository from GitHub, the local copy will be on the master branch. If you are working with some other branch then this must be checked out by doing:

> git checkout <BRANCH_NAME>

Once the above steps have been performed, the <PSYCLONEHOME>/external/fparser directory will contain the correct version of the fparser code. This can then be installed using pip:

> cd <PSYCLONEHOME>/external/fparser
> pip install --user .

Once you have the correct version of fparser installed you are ready to install PSyclone itself. Again, the simplest way of doing this is to use pip:

> pip install --user -e .

where -e requests an ‘editable’ installation so that changes to the PSyclone source are immediately reflected in the installed package. (For alternatives to using pip please see the Getting Going section.)

Test Suite

The PSyclone test suite is integral to the development process and all new code must be covered (i.e. executed) by one or more tests. As described in Getting Going, the test suite is written for use with pytest.

Tests should be run from the <PSYCLONEHOME>/src/psyclone/tests directory, from which all tests in subdirectories will be automatically found and started. If only a subset of all tests need to be run, pytest can be invoked from the corresponding subdirectory or with that subdirectory or filename as an argument.


Various pytest fixtures ( are provided as part of the PSyclone test suite. These are implemented in <PSYCLONEHOME>/src/psyclone/tests/ and are automatically discovered by pytest.

Those fixtures available for use when implementing tests are (in alphabetical order):

Fixture name



Supplies a test with the various possible values of the LFRic annexed_dofs option.


Using this fixture will change the current working directory of a test to a temporary directory. Which means that any files created during the test will not pollute the user’s working directory. At the end of the test (even in case of a failure) the current working directory will be changed back to the original directory.


Supplies a test with the various possible values of the distributed-memory option (only applicable to the LFRic and GOcean APIs currently). Also monkeypatches the global configuration object with the corresponding setting.


Provides a Fortran PSyIR front-end object to convert Fortran code snippets into PSyIR.


Provides a Fortran PSyIR back-end object to convert PSyIR trees into Fortran code.


True if the Python bindings to the graphviz package (used when generating DAG visualisations) are available. Does not check that the underlying graphviz library is installed.


Sets the output directory used by PSyclone for transformed kernels to be tmpdir (a built-in pytest fixture) and then returns tmpdir. Any test that directly or indirectly causes kernels to be transformed needs to use this fixture in order to avoid having unwanted files created within the git working tree.


Creates an fparser2 parser for the Fortran2008 standard. This is an expensive operation so this fixture is only run once per test session.

In addition, there are two fixtures that are automatically run (just once) whenever a test session is begun. The first of these, setup_psyclone_config, ensures that the PSyclone configuration file used when running the test suite is the one distributed with PSyclone and not any locally-modified version. The second, infra_compile, sets-up the tests.utilities.Compile class with any compilation-testing flags (see Compilation testing) provided to the pytest command line. It also ensures that (if compilation testing is enabled) the LFRic-stub and GOcean infrastructure libraries are compiled prior to any tests running.


The easiest and most user-friendly way of checking the coverage of any new code is to use CodeCov ( which is integrated with GitHub. Coverage for Pull Requests is automatically reported and will appear as a comment on the Pull Request. This comment is then automatically updated whenever new code is pushed to the associated branch.

For checking test coverage on your local machine you will need to install the cov plugin (pip install pytest-cov). You can then request various types of coverage report when running the test suite. e.g. to ask for a terminal report of missed lines for the dynamo0p3 module you would do:

> pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov psyclone.dynamo0p3

Note that you specify the python module name, and not the file name. This will produce output along the lines of:

----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.5.4-final-0 -----------
Name                        Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
src/psyclone/    2540     23    99%   558, 593, 777, 2731, 2972, 3865, 4132-4133, 4135-4136, 4139-4140, 4143-4144, 4149-4151, 4255, 4270, 4488, 5026, 6540, 6658, 6768

showing the line numbers which are not covered. By using --cov more than once you can report on more than one file. You can also request only selected tests to be run by specifying the file names on the command line. Additionally html output can be created by adding the option --cov-report html:

> cd <PSYCLONEHOME>/src/psyclone/tests
> pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov-report html --cov psyclone.dynamo0p3 ./ ./

The html output can be viewed with a browser at file:///.../tests/htmlcov/index.html and it highlights all source lines in red that are not covered by at least one test.

Parallel execution

The size of the test suite is such that running all of it in serial can take many minutes, especially if you have requested a coverage report. It is therefore very helpful to run it in parallel and pytest provides support for this via the xdist plugin (pip install pytest-xdist). Once you have this plugin, the test suite may be run in parallel simply by providing the number of cores to use via the -n flag:

> pytest -n 4

Running the test suite in parallel also changes the order in which tests are run which can reveal any problems resulting from tests not being sufficiently isolated from one another.


The test utility pytest will only discover files that either start or end with “test”. The PSyclone convention is to have all files ending with “”, e.g. A name using “tests” (plural) will not be automatically discovered or executed by pytest!

Note that pytest will not complain if two tests (within a module) have the same name - it will just silently ignore one of them! The best way of checking for this is to run pylint on any modified test modules. (This needs to be done anyway as one of the requirements of the Code Review is that all new code be pylint-clean.)


You can use pytest --collect-only to check the names of the files and tests that would be executed, without actually executing the tests.

Documentation testing

Any code snippet included in the documentation should be tested to make sure our examples and documentation work as expected. Therefore, all examples in the documentation should be specified using testcode and testoutput directives, which allows these code snippets to be tested. For example:

  .. testcode::

  # access_info is an AccessInfo instance and contains one access. This
  # could be as simple as `a(i,j)`, but also something more complicated
  # like `a(i+2*j)%b%c(k, l)`.
  for indx in access_info.component_indices.iterate():
      # indx is a 2-tuple of (component_index, dimension_index)
      psyir_index = access_info.component_indices[indx]

  # Using enumerate:
  for count, indx in enumerate(access_info.component_indices.iterate()):
      psyir_index = access_info.component_indices[indx]
      # fortran writer converts a PSyIR node to Fortran:
      print(f"Index-id {count} of 'a(i,j)': {fortran_writer(psyir_index)}")

.. testoutput::

    Index-id 0 of 'a(i,j)': i
    Index-id 1 of 'a(i,j)': j

Output should only be included if it is reasonably short. To avoid adding output to the manual, use the :hide: option of testoutput:

.. testoutput::

    Index 'i' is used.

The command make doctest will execute all tests marked in the documentation, and also any example code included in a docstring of a function or class that is documented in the manual (e.g. using automethod). Some tests or examples will require data structure to be set up or modules to be imported. This can be done in a testsetup section. For example, here an excerpt from dependency.rst:

.. testsetup::

    from psyclone.psyir.frontend.fortran import FortranReader
    from psyclone.psyir.nodes import Loop

    code = '''subroutine sub()
    integer :: i, j, k, a(10, 10)
    a(i,j) = 1
    do i=1, 10
       j = 3
       a(i,i) = j + k
    end subroutine sub
    psyir = FortranReader().psyir_from_source(code)
    # Take the loop node:
    loop = psyir.children[0][1]
    loop_statements = [loop]

Here might be then be several paragraphs of documentation.
Then in an example code, anything prepared in the above
code can be used, for example:

.. testcode::

    for statement in loop_statements:
        if isinstance(statement, Loop):

The testsetup section creates a variable loop_statements and imports the Loop class, and the actual example uses this code.

Many code snippets in python docstrings might try to parse a file, which typically cannot be found (unless the full path would be provided, which makes the example look ugly). One solution for this is to use a variable that is supposed to contain the filename, and then define this variable in the testsetup section. For example, the file uses:

class ACCEnterDataTrans(Transformation):
    Adds an OpenACC "enter data" directive to a Schedule.
    For example:

    >>> from psyclone.parse.algorithm import parse
    >>> api = "gocean1.0"
    >>> ast, invokeInfo = parse(GOCEAN_SOURCE_FILE, api=api)
    >>> dtrans.apply(schedule)

And the variable GOCEAN_SOURCE_FILE is defined in the testsetup section of transformations.rst:

.. testsetup::

    # Define GOCEAN_SOURCE_FILE to point to an existing gocean 1.0 file.
    GOCEAN_SOURCE_FILE = ("../../src/psyclone/tests/test_files/"


.. autoclass:: psyclone.transformations.ACCEnterDataTrans

Compilation testing

The test suite provides support for testing that the code generated by PSyclone is valid Fortran. This is performed by writing the generated code to file and then invoking a Fortran compiler. This testing is not performed by default since it requires a Fortran compiler and significantly increases the time taken to run the test suite.

If compilation testing is requested then the Gnu Fortran compiler (gfortran) is used by default. If you wish to use a different compiler and/or supply specific flags then these are specified by further command-line flags:

> pytest --compile --f90=ifort --f90flags="-O3"

If you want to test OpenCL code created by PSyclone, you must use the command line option –compileopencl (which can be used together with –compile, and –f90 and –f90flags), e.g.:

> pytest --compileopencl --f90=<opencl-compiler> --f90flags="<opencl-specific flags>"

If you want to test OpenMP code created by PSyclone, you must add the relevant openmp flag to –f90flags (-qopenmp for intel, -fopenmp for gfortran). In addition the OpenMP tasking tests currently only support compilation testing with intel compilers, e.g.:

> pytest --compile --f90=ifort --f90flags="-qopenmp"

Infrastructure libraries

Since the code generated by PSyclone for the GOcean and LFRic domains makes calls to an infrastructure library, compilation tests must have access to compiler specific .mod files. For LFRic, a stub implementation of the required functions from the LFRic infrastructure is included in tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/infrastructure. When compilation tests are requested, the stub files are automatically compiled to create the required .mod files.

For the gocean1.0 domain a complete copy of the dl_esm_inf library is included as a submodule in <PSYCLONEHOME>/external/dl_esm_inf. Before running tests with compilation, make sure this submodule is up-to-date (see Installation). The test process will compile dl_esm_inf automatically, and all PSyclone gocean1.0 compilation tests will reference these files.

If you run the tests in parallel (see Parallel execution section) each process will compile its own version of the wrapper files and infrastructure library to avoid race conditions. This happens only once per process in each test session.

Other Dependencies

Occasionally the code that is to be compiled as part of a test may depend upon some piece of code that is not a Kernel or part of one of the supported infrastructure libraries. In order to support this, the code_compiles method of psyclone.tests.utilities.Compile allows the user to supply a list of additional files upon which kernels depend. These files must be located in the same directory as the kernels.

Continuous Integration

The PSyclone project uses GitHub Actions ( for continuous integration. The configuration of these actions is stored in YAML files in the .github/workflows directory. The most important action is that configured in python-package.yml. This action is triggered whenever there is a push to a pull-request on the repository and consists of five main checks performed, in order of increasing computational cost (so that we ‘fail fast’):

  1. All links within all MarkDown files are checked. Those links to skip (because they are e.g. password protected) are specified in the PSyclone/.github/workflows/mlc_config.json configuration file.

  2. All examples in the Developer Guide are checked for correctness by running make doctest.

  3. The code base, examples and tutorials are lint’ed with flake8. (Configuration of flake8 is performed in setup.cfg.)

  4. All links within the Sphinx documentation (rst files) are checked (see note below);

  5. All of the examples are tested (for Python versions 3.7, 3.8 and 3.12) using the Makefile in the examples directory. No compilation is performed; only the transform (performs the PSyclone transformations) and notebook (runs the various Jupyter notebooks) targets are used. The transform target is run 2-way parallel (-j 2).

  6. The full test suite is run for Python versions 3.7, 3.8 and 3.12 but without the compilation checks. pytest is passed the -n auto flag so that it will run the tests in parallel on as many cores as are available (currently 2 on GHA instances).

Since we try to be good ‘open-source citizens’ we do not do any compilation testing using GitHub as that would use a lot more compute time. Instead, it is the responsibility of the developer and code reviewer to run these checks locally (see Compilation testing). Code reviewers are able to make use of the compilation GitHub Action which performs these checks semi-automatically - see Compilation and Integration Testing.

By default, the GitHub Actions configuration uses pip to install the dependencies required by PSyclone before running the test suite. This works well when PSyclone only depends upon released versions of other packages. However, PSyclone relies heavily upon fparser which is also under development. Occasionally it may be that a given branch of PSyclone requires a version of fparser that is not yet released. As described in Installation, PSyclone has fparser as a git submodule. In order to configure GitHub Actions to use that version of fparser instead of a release, the python-package.yml file must be edited and the line executing pip install external/fparser must be uncommented.

Note that this functionality is only for development purposes. Any release of PSyclone must work with a released version of fparser and therefore the line described above must be commented out again before making a release.

A single run of the test suite on GitHub Actions uses approximately 20 minutes of CPU time and we run the test suite on three different versions of Python. Therefore, it is good practise to avoid triggering the tests unnecessarily (e.g. when we know that a certain commit won’t pass). This may be achieved by including the “[skip ci]” tag (without the quotes) in the associated commit message.

Compilation and Integration Testing

As mentioned above, running the test suite, examples and tutorials with compilation enabled significantly increases the required compute time. However, there is a need to test PSyclone with full builds of the LFRic and NEMO applications. Therefore, in addition to the principal action described above, there are the following workflow files that manage multiple Integration tests:

The repo-sync.yml action, which must be triggered manually (on GitHub) and pushes a copy of the current branch to a private repository. (This action uses the integration environment and can therefore only be triggered by GitHub users who have review permissions in that environment.) That private repository has a GitHub self-hosted runner setup which then enables tests to be run on a machine at the Hartree Centre. Access to the private repository is handled using ssh with a key saved as a ‘secret’ in the GitHub PSyclone repository. The work performed by the self-hosted runner is configured in the yml files below. Since the self-hosted runner is only available in the private repository, these action are configured such that they only run if the name of the repository is that of the private one.

The compilation.yml action runs the test suite, examples and tutorials with compilation enabled for both gfortran and nvfortran (the latter with OpenACC enabled).

The nemo.yml action, processes the NEMO source code (available in the self-hosted runner) with the PSyclone scripts in examples/nemo/scripts. Then it compiles the generated code, runs it, and validates that the output produced matches with the expected results. The wallclock time used by the run is also recorded for future reference.

The lfric_test.yml action performs integration testing of PSyclone with the LFRic model (available in the self-hosted runner). Two tests are performed:

  1. A ‘pass-through’ test where the LFRic GungHo mini-app is built and then run 6-way parallel using MPI;

  2. An optimisation test where the LFRic GungHo mini-app is transformed using the examples/lfric/scripts/ script and then compiled and run 6-way parallel using OpenMP threading.

Some of the LFRic and NEMO integration tests also store, and upload, their performance results into a Github Gist. These results can track the performance improvements and degradations that psyclone scripts suffered from each change for LFRic and NEMO applications. However, one must note that the test runner does not have exclusive access to the testing system, and some results may be impacted by other users using the system at the same time.



PSyclone exceptions are designed to provide useful information to the user. When there are problems transforming the PSyIR it can be useful to use one of the backends to provide the code causing problems in an easily readable form.

However, transformation exceptions can also be usefully used to only apply a transformation to valid parts of a tree. For example:

for node in nodes:
    except TransformationError:

If a transformation is called many times in the way described above the exception string generated by the transformation error can cause PSyclone to run very slowly - particularly if the exception makes use of one of the backends.

The solution to this problem is to use the LazyString utility class (see psyclone/ This utility takes a function that returns a string and only executes the function if the str method is called for the class. This will not be the case for the above code as the exception string is not used.

This approach is currently used internally in the TransformationError exception (so that this transformation does not accidentally cause the string to be evaluated).

If a transformation is used in the way described above and PSyclone subsequently runs more slowly it is recommended that the LazyString class is used. It could be mandated that all transformation exceptions use this approach but so far this problem has only been found in one use case so it has been decided to modify the code as and when required.

Code Review

Before a branch can be merged to master it must pass code review. The guidelines for performing a review (i.e. what is expected from the developer) are available on the GitHub PSyclone wiki pages: