PSyIR Back-ends

PSyIR back-ends translate PSyIR into another form (such as Fortran, C or OpenCL). Until recently this back-end support has been implemented within the PSyIR Node classes themselves via various gen* methods. However, this approach is getting a little unwieldy.

Therefore PSyclone is transitioning into a Visitor pattern approach. Visitor backends are already being used in the back-end implementations that translate PSyIR kernel code. This approach separates the code to traverse a tree from the tree being visited. It is expected that the existing back-ends (used in the PSy-layer) will migrate to this new approach over time (more information about the PSy-layer migration can be found in Back-ends for the PSy-layer). The back-end visitor code is stored in psyclone/psyir/backend.

Visitor Base code in psyclone/psyir/backend provides a base class - PSyIRVisitor - that implements the visitor pattern and is designed to be subclassed by each back-end.

PSyIRVisitor is implemented in such a way that the PSyIR classes do not need to be modified. This is achieved by translating the class name of the object being visited in the PSyIR tree into the method name that the visitor attempts to call (using the Python eval function). _node is postfixed to the method name to avoid name clashes with Python keywords.

For example, an instance of the Loop PSyIR class would result in PSyIRVisitor attempting to call a loop_node method with the PSyIR instance as an argument. Note the names are always translated to lower case. Therefore, a particular back-end needs to subclass PSyIRVisitor, provide a loop_node method (in this particular example) and this method would then be called when the visitor finds an instance of Loop. For example:

from __future__ import print_function
from psyclone.psyir.visitor import PSyIRVisitor
class TestVisitor(PSyIRVisitor):
    ''' Example implementation of a back-end visitor. '''

    def loop_node(self, node):
        ''' This method is called if the visitor finds a loop. '''
        print("Found a loop node")

test_visitor = TestVisitor()

It is up to the sub-class to call any children of the particular node. This approach was chosen as it allows the sub-class to control when and how to call children. For example:

from __future__ import print_function
from psyclone.psyir.visitor import PSyIRVisitor
class TestVisitor(PSyIRVisitor):
    ''' Example implementation of a back-end visitor. '''

    def loop_node(self, node):
        ''' This method is called if the visitor finds a loop. '''
        print("Found a loop node")
        for child in node.children:

test_visitor = TestVisitor()

If a node is called that does not have an associated method defined then PSyIRVisitor will raise a VisitorError exception. This behaviour can be changed by setting the skip_nodes option to True when initialising the visitor i.e.

test_visitor = TestVisitor(skip_nodes=True)

Any unsupported nodes will then be ignored and their children will be called in the order that they appear in the tree.

PSyIR nodes might not be direct subclasses of Node. For example, GOKernelSchedule subclasses KernelSchedule which subclasses Routine which subclasses Schedule which subclasses Node. This can cause a problem as a back-end would need to have a different method for each class e.g. both a gokernelschedule_node and a kernelschedule_node method, even if the required behaviour is the same. Even worse, expecting someone to have to implement a new method in all back-ends when they subclass a node (if they don’t require the back-end output to change) is overly restrictive.

To get round the above problem, if the attempt to call a method with the name of the PSyIR class (with _node appended) fails, then the PSyIRVisitor will subsequently call the method name of its parent (with _node appended). This will continue with the PSyIRVisitor working its way through the class hierarchy in method resolution order until it is successful (or fails for all names and raises an exception).

This implementation gives the behaviour one would expect from standard inheritance rules. For example, if a kernelschedule_node method is implemented in the back-end and a GOKernelSchedule is found then a gokernelschedule_node method is first tried which fails, then a kernelschedule_node method is called which succeeds. Therefore all subclasses of KernelSchedule will call the kernelschedule_node method (if their particular specialisation has not been added).

One example of the power of this approach makes use of the fact that all PSyIR nodes have Node as a parent class. Therefore, some base functionality can be added there and all nodes that do not have a specific method implemented will call this. To see the class hierarchy, the following code can be written:

from __future__ import print_function
class PrintHierarchy(PSyIRVisitor):
    ''' Example of a visitor that prints the PSyIR node hierarchy. '''

    def node_node(self, node):
    ''' This method is called if no specific methods have been
        written. '''
        print(f"[ {type(node).__name__} start]")
        for child in node.children:
        print(f"[ {type(node).__name__} end]")

print_hierarchy = PrintHierarchy()

In the examples presented up to now, the information from a back-end has been printed. However, a back-end will generally not want to use print statements. Output from a PSyIRVisitor is supported by allowing each method call to return a string. Reimplementing the previous example using strings would give the following:

from __future__ import print_function class
class PrintHierarchy(PSyIRVisitor):
    ''' Example of a visitor that prints the PSyIR node hierarchy'''

    def node_node(self, node):
        ''' This method is called if the visitor finds a loop '''
        result = f"[ {type(node).__name__} start ]"
        for child in node.children:
            result += self._visit(child)
        result += f"[ {type(node).__name__} end ]"
        return result

print_hierarchy = PrintHierarchy()
result = print_hierarchy._visit(psyir_tree)

As most back-ends are expected to indent their output based in some way on the PSyIR node hierarchy, the PSyIRVisitor provides support for this. The self._nindent variable contains the current indentation as a string and the indentation can be increased by increasing the value of the self._depth variable. The initial depth defaults to 0 and the initial indentation defaults to two spaces. These defaults can be changed when creating the back-end instance. For example:

print_hierarchy = PrintHierarchy(initial_indent_depth=2,

The PrintHierarchy example can be modified to support indenting by writing the following:

from __future__ import print_function
class PrintHierarchy(PSyIRVisitor):
    ''' Example of a visitor that prints the PSyIR node hierarchy
    with indentation'''

    def node_node(self, node):
        ''' This method is called if the visitor finds a loop '''
        result = f"{self._nindent}[ {type(node).__name__} start ]\n"
    self._depth += 1
    for child in node.children:
        result += self._visit(child)
    self._depth -= 1
    result += f"{self._nindent}[ {type(node).__name__} end ]\n"
    return result

print_hierarchy = PrintHierarchy()
result = print_hierarchy._visit(psyir_tree)

As a visitor instance always calls the _visit method, an alternative (functor) implementation is provided via the __call__ method in the base class. This allows the above example to be called in the following simplified way (as if it were a function):

print_hierarchy = PrintHierarchy()
result = print_hierarchy(psyir_tree)

The primary reason for providing the above (functor) interface is to hide users from the use of the visitor pattern. This is the interface to expose to users (which is why _visit is used for the visitor method, rather than visit). An important characteristic of the __call__ method is that it will manage the lowering of DSL-concepts because the backends should not provide specific visitors for concepts that do not relate directly to the language domain (more information about the lowering step is provided in the Back-ends for the PSy-layer section below). This step is done internally without exposing side effects (e.g. modifications to the provided tree). This is important because it permits the generation of backend code without altering the existing PSyIR tree, thus simplifying debugging and development. For instance the walk statement in the following example will return the same nodes, regardless of whether or not the print statement is commented out:

print_hierarchy = PrintHierarchy()
# print(print_hierarchy(psyir_tree))


The property of not having side effects is implemented by making a copy of the whole tree provided as an argument to the visitor functor. An alternative that was explored was modifying the lowering implementation so that it returned a new sub-tree instead of modifying the current one in-place. This turned out to be complicated as the lowering method doesn’t have a well defined region where the modification can happen (e.g. a DSL concept could need the addition of imports and new symbols defined in an ancestor symbol table).

PSyIR Validation

Although the validity of parent-child relationships is checked during the construction of a PSyIR tree (see e.g. The parent-child relationship), there are often constraints that can only be checked once the tree is complete i.e. at the point that a backend is used to generate code. One such example is that an OpenMP do directive must appear within an OpenMP parallel region.

The base PSyVisitor class provides support for this validation by calling the validate_global_constraints() method of each Node that it visits. The Node base class contains an empty implementation of this method. Therefore, if a subclass of Node is subject to certain global constraints then it must override this method and implement the required checks. If those checks fail then the method should raise a GenerationError.

Note that, if required, this validation may be disabled by passing check_global_constraints=False when constructing the PSyIRVisitor instance:

print_hierarchy = PrintHierarchy(check_global_constraints=False)

Available back-ends

Currently, there are two back-ends capable of generating Kernel code (a KernelSchedule with all its children), these are:

  • FortranWriter() in psyclone.psyir.backend.fortran

  • OpenCLWriter() in psyclone.psyir.backend.opencl

Additionally, there are two partially-implemented back-ends

  • psyclone.psyir.backend.c which is currently limited to processing partial PSyIR expressions.

  • SIRWriter() in psyclone.psyir.backend.sir which can generate valid SIR from simple Fortran code conforming to the NEMO API.

SIR back-end

The SIR back-end is limited in a number of ways:

  • only Fortran code containing 3 dimensional directly addressed arrays, with simple stencil accesses, iterated with triply nested loops is supported. Imperfectly nested loops, doubly nested loops, etc will cause a VisitorError exception.

  • anything other than real arrays (integer, logical etc.) will cause incorrect SIR code to be produced (see issue #468).

  • calls are not supported (and will cause a VisitorError exception).

  • loop bounds are not analysed so it is not possible to add in offset and loop ordering for the vertical. This also means that the ordering of loops (lat/lon/levels) is currently assumed.

  • Fortran literals such as 0.0d0 are output directly in the generated code (but this could also be a frontend issue).

  • the only unary operator currently supported is ‘-‘.

The current implementation also outputs text rather than running Dawn directly. This text needs to be pasted into another script in order to run Dawn, see Example 4: Transforming Fortran code to the SIR the NEMO API example 4.

Currently there is no way to tell PSyclone to output SIR. Outputting SIR is achieved by writing a script which creates an SIRWriter and outputs the SIR (for kernels) from the PSyIR. Whilst the main ‘psyclone’ program could have a ‘-backend’ option added it is not clear this would be useful here as it is expected that the SIR will be output only for certain parts of the PSyIR and (an)other back-end(s) used for the rest. It is not yet clear how best to do this - perhaps mark regions using a transformation.

It is unlikely that the SIR will be able to accept full NEMO code due to its complexities (hence the comment about using different back-ends in the previous paragraph). Therefore the approach that will be taken is to use PSyclone to transform NEMO to make regions that conform to the SIR constraints and to make these as large as possible. Once this is done then PSyclone will be used to generate and optimise the code that the SIR is not able to optimise and will let the SIR generate code for the bits that it is able to do. This approach seems a robust one but would require interface code between the Dawn generated cuda (or other) code and the PSyclone generated Fortran. In theory PSyclone could translate the remaining code to C but this would require no codeblocks in the PSyIR when parsing NEMO (which is a difficult thing to achieve), or interface code between codeblocks and the rest of the PSyIR.

As suggested by the Dawn developers, PSyIR local scalar variables are translated into temporary SIR fields (which are 3D arrays by default). The reason for doing this is that it is easy to specify variables in the SIR this way (whereas I did not manage to get scalar declarations working) and Dawn optimises a temporary field, reducing it to its required dimensionality (so PSyIR local scalar variables are output as scalars by the Dawn back end even though they are specified as fields). A limitation of the current translation from PSyIR to SIR is that all PSyIR scalars are assumed to be local and all PSyIR arrays are assumed to be global, which may not be the case. This limitation is captured in issue #521.

Back-ends for the PSy-layer

The additional complexity of the PSy-layer comes from the fact that it contains multiple domain-specific concepts and parallel concepts that are not part of the target languages. Instead of dealing with these concepts in the visitors we require that any domain-specific concept introduced on top of the core PSyIR constructs contains the logic to lower this concept into language level constructs. The reasons for choosing a method instead of a visitor for this transformation are:

  • Each concept introduced by the API-developer will need lowering instructions, and this is better implied by an abstract class in the node that needs to be filled.

  • The lowering is done in-place. A method fits better with modifying the AST in-place because it can use and modify the nodes private fields.

The current proposed solution is to create a 2-phase generation workflow where a domain-specific PSyIR is first lowered to a language-level version of the PSyIR using the lower_to_language_level node method and then processed by the Visitor to generate the target language. The language-level PSyIR is still the same IR but restricted to the subset of Nodes that have a direct translation into target language concepts.



Using the language backends to generate the PSy-layer code is supported by the Nemo and GOcean APIs. For the GOcean API the algorithm-layer is also generated using the language backends. LFRic support is still under development, see #1010.