Developing PSyKAL DSLs

Parsing DSL Code (new approach)

The GOcean and LFRic APIs support the concept of algorithm, psy and kernel layers.

Kernel-layer Fortran written by users consists of the kernel code itself and metadata describing the kernel code. PSyclone needs this metadata to generate the PSy-layer code. The new approach takes the generic PSyIR representation of the kernel metadata (which is actually captured as a string within a PSyIR UnsupportedFortranType as the generic PSyIR does not understand its structure) and ‘raises’ this into domain-specific classes (using the RaisePSyIR2LFRicKernelTrans and RaisePSyIR2GOceanKernelTrans transformations for the LFRic and GOcean API’s, respectively). These classes allow the metadata to be simply read when generating psy-layer code, but also to be simply modified if required (e.g. when generating adjoint code - see the user guide for more details). As with existing code, these domain-specific classes can be ‘lowered’ to produce generic PSyIR and PSyclone’s back-ends used to output the resultant metadata and code.

Algorithm-layer Fortran, also written by users, consists of invoke calls containing references to kernels. PSyclone needs the information contained in an invoke call to generate the PSy-layer code. Another one of PSyclone’s roles is to transform the algorithm code and specifically the invoke calls within the algorithm code. In order to support these requirements in the new approach the algorithm code is first parsed into generic PSyIR. The generic PSyIR is then ‘raised’ to either GOcean-specific algorithm code or LFRic-specific algorithm code depending on the API (using the RaisePSyIR2AlgTrans and RaisePSyIR2LFRicAlgTrans transformations respectively) making use of domain-specific PSyIR classes for the invoke calls (AlgorithmInvokeCall and LFRicAlgInvokeCall respectively) and references to kernels (KernelFunctor and LFRicKernelFunctor respectively).

The domain-specific algorithm layer PSyIR is then lowered back to generic PSyIR and at the same time the invoke calls replaced with calls to the generated PSy-layer. This is achieved using the GOceanAlgInvoke2PSyCallTrans and LFRicAlgInvoke2PSyCallTrans transformations for the GOcean and LFRic APIs respectively, with these transformations operating on individual AlgorithmInvokeCall or LFRicAlgorithmInvokeCall nodes rather than the whole of the domain-specific algorithm PSyIR.

The new approach described in this section is not yet fully implemented in PSyclone. The current status is that it is used in the NEMO API to transform code and is used in the GOcean API to modify algorithm code. The GOcean and LFRic APIs are also able to raise kernel metadata to domain-specific classes, but these classes are not yet used by the the rest of PSyclone (see for the relevant GOcean code and prototype LFRic code).

Parsing DSL Code (original approach)

The original way to parse DSL code is to use the PSyclone parse module which is responsible for parsing science (algorithm and kernel) code and extracting the required information for the algorithm translation and PSy generation phases. The original approach is gradually being replaced by the use of the PSyIR and its front-ends and back-ends (please see the previous section for more details).

The parse module contains modules for parsing algorithm ( and kernel ( code as well as a utility module ( for common functionality. This implementation is discussed further in the following sections.

Parsing Algorithm Code

The first thing PSyclone typically does is parse an input file. This input file is expected to contain Fortran source code conforming to the particular API in question. For the nemo API this is standard code, for the other API’s this is algorithm code (conforming to the PSyKAl separation of concerns). The PSyclone code to do this is found in parse/

An input file can be parsed via the parse function or via an instance of the Parser class. In practice the parse function simply calls the Parser class so we will concentrate on the latter in this section. The parse function could be removed from PSyclone but it is simple and is used in existing PSyclone scripts and examples.

The Parser class is initialised with a number of optional arguments. A particular api can be specified (this is required so the parser knows what sort of code and metadata to expect, how to parse it and which built-ins are supported). The name used to specify an invoke (defaulting to invoke) can be changed, a path to where to look for associated kernel files can be provided and a particular maximum line length can be specified.

class psyclone.parse.algorithm.Parser(api='', invoke_name='invoke', kernel_paths=None, line_length=False)[source]

Supports the parsing of PSyclone conformant algorithm code within a file and extraction of relevant information for any ‘invoke’ calls contained within the code.

  • api (str) – the PSyclone API to use when parsing the code.

  • invoke_name (str) – the expected name of the invocation calls in the algorithm code.

  • kernel_paths (list of str or NoneType) – the paths to search for kernel source files (if different from the location of the algorithm source). Defaults to None.

  • line_length (bool) – a logical flag specifying whether we care about line lengths being longer than 132 characters. If so, the input (algorithm and kernel) code is checked to make sure that it conforms and an error raised if not. The default is False.

For example:

>>> from psyclone.parse.algorithm import Parser
>>> parser = Parser(api="gocean")
>>> ast, info = parser.parse(SOURCE_FILE)

Once an instance of the Parser() class is created and configured with required values for the optional arguments, then the parse method can be called. This takes the name of the input code as its argument and returns a parse tree of the input code and a FileInfo object that captures the required invoke information found in the input code and in the associated kernel codes.

If the nemo API is specified then the parse method of the Parser instance simply parses the code with fparser2 and returns the resultant fparser2 parse tree.

For all other APIs the parse method of the Parser instance returns the resultant fparser2 parse tree and a FileInfo instance which captures the invoke and kernel metadata in a hierarchy of classes.

When the Parser instance parses the code it expects to find Fortran code containing a program, module, subroutine or function (and it aborts if not). Currently the first of these (there may be more than one subroutine for example) is assumed to be the one that is required. This limititation is captured in issue #307.

The native fparser2 tree of the Fortran code is then walked and all use statement names are captured and stored in a map (called _arg_name_to_module_name). This map allows the module name to be found given a particular argument name. Also, if an invoke call is found then an InvokeCall object is created and added to a list of such instances. Once all invokes have been found the FileInfo instance is created.


In the future we want to be able to simply replace one parse tree with another. So how should we do this? One option would be to try to minimise the parser-specific parts and create some form of interface. The question is really what level of interface we should use.

An InvokeCall object is created in the create_invoke_call method by first parsing each of the kernels specified in an invoke call and creating a list of kernel objects which are then used to create an InvokeCall. These objects capture information on the way each kernel is being called from the Algorithm layer.

A kernel object is created in the create_kernel_call method which extracts the kernel name and kernel arguments, then creates either an algorithm.BuiltInCall instance (via the create_builtin_kernel_call method) or an algorithm.KernelCall instance (via the create_coded_kernel_call method). BuiltInCalls are created if the kernel name is the same as one of those specified in the built-in names for this particular API (see the variable _builtin_name_map which is initialised by the get_builtin_defs function).

The create_kernel_call method uses the get_kernel function to find out the kernel name and create a list of Arg instances representing the arguments. The get_kernel function parses each kernel argument using the fparser2 AST and determines the required argument information. An advantage of fparser2 when compared with fparser1 is that it parses all of a code, so we can use the parse tree to determine the type of each kernel argument appearing in the invoke call (e.g. scalar variable, array reference, literal constant) and create the appropriate Arg instance. Previously we relied on the expression module to do this (which has limitations).


the analysis in the get_kernel function is the place to extend if we were to support arithmetic operations in an invoke call.

Mixed Precision

Support for mixed precision kernels has been added to PSyclone. The approach being taken is for the user to provide kernels with a generic interface and precision-specific implementations. As the PSyclone kernel metadata does not specify precision, this does not need to change. The actual precision being used will be specified by the scientist in the algorithm layer (by declaring variables with appropriate precision).

For example:

module kern_mod
  type kern_type
    ! metadata description
    procedure, nopass :: kern_code_32, kern_code_64
    generic :: kern_code => kern_code_32, kern_code_64
  end type kern_type
  subroutine kern_code_32(arg)
    real*4 :: arg
    print *, "kern_code_32"
  end subroutine kern_code_32
  subroutine kern_code_64(arg)
    real*8 :: arg
    print *, "kern_code_64"
  end subroutine kern_code_64
end module kern_mod

program alg
  use kern_mod, only : kern_type
  real*4 :: a
  real*8 :: b
  call invoke(kern_type(a), kern_type(b))
end program alg

In the above example, the first call to kern will call kern_code_32 and the second will call kern_code_64. Note, the actual code will use types for arguments in the algorithm layer, but for clarity precision has been used.

In order to support the above mixed precision kernel implementation, the PSy-layer generated by PSyclone must declare data passed into an invoke call with the same precision as is declared in algorithm layer, i.e. in the above example variable a must be declared as real*4 and variable b as real*8. The only way for PSyclone to determine the required precision for a variable is by extracting the information from the algorithm layer.

To support the extraction of precision information, the name and precision of a variable are stored in a dictionary when the algorithm layer is parsed (see This allows PSyclone to look up the precision of a variable when it is specified in an invoke call. The reason for implementing support in this way is because fparser2 does not currently support a symbol table, therefore there is no link between variables names and their types. In the future, the algorithm layer will be translated into PSyIR, which does have a symbol table, so this dictionary will no longer be required (see issue #753).

All declarations that specify variables or types are stored in the dictionary, including those specified within locally defined types. Variables may also be single valued or arrays.

For example:

program alg
  use my_mod, only : my_type
  real(kind=r_def) :: rscalar
  type(my_type) :: field(10)
  type fred
    integer(kind=i_def) :: iscalar
  end type fred
end program alg

As the current implementation only stores variable names and does not know about variable scope there is a restriction that any variables within an algorithm code with the same name must have the same precision/type. This restriction will be removed when the algorithm layer is translated to PSyIR (see issue #753). The current implementation could be improved but in practice the lfric code does not fall foul of this restriction.

There is also a constraint that invoke arguments cannot be expressions (involving variables) or functions as it is then difficult to determine the datatype of the argument. However, arbitrary structures and arrays are supported, as are literal expressions.

For example the following are supported (where b, f, g and i are arrays, not functions):

program alg
  ! declare vars
  call invoke(kern(a, b(c), d%e, f(10)%g(4)%h, self%i(j), 1, 1.0*2.0))
end program alg

But the following are not:

program alg
  ! delare vars
  call invoke(kern(a%b(), c*d, e+1.0))
end program alg

The other issue is that, in general, it may not be possible to determine the type/precision of a variable from the algorithm layer code. In particular, the variable may be included from another module via use association. Potential solutions to this problem are 1) disallow this in the algorithm layer, 2) use a naming convention for the module and/or variable to determine its precision, or 3) search the modules for datatype information. At the moment only 1) or 2) will be feasible solutions. When we move to using the PSyIR (see issue #753), it may be possible to support 3).

Parsing Kernel Code (Metadata)

An algorithm.BuiltInCall instance is created by being passed a kernel.BuiltinKernelType instance for the particular API via the BuiltInKernelTypeFactory class which is found in the parse.kernels module. This class parses the Fortran module file which specifies built-in description metadata. Currently fparser1 is used but we will be migrating to fparser2 in the future. The built-in metadata is specified in the same form as coded kernel metadata so the same logic can be used (i.e. the KernelTypeFactory.create method is called) which is why BuiltInKernelTypeFactory subclasses KernelTypeFactory.

An algorithm.KernelCall instance is created by being passed the module name of the kernel and a kernel.KernelType instance for the particular API via the KernelTypeFactory class which is also found in the parse.kernel module. This class is given the parsed kernel module (via the get_kernel_ast function - which searches for the kernel file using the kernel path information introduced earlier). Again, currently fparser1 is used but we will be migrating to fparser2 in the future.

The KernelTypeFactory create method is used for both coded kernels and built-in kernels to specify the API-specific class to use. As an example, in the case of the lfric API, the class is LFRicKernMetadata which is found in psyclone.domain.lfric. Once this instance has been created (by passing it an fparser1 parse tree) it can return information about the metadata contained therein. Moving from fparser1 to fparser2 would required changing the parse code logic in each of the API-specific classes.

The PSy-Invokes-Invoke-InvokeSchedule tree

The PSy-layer of a single algorithm file is represented by the PSy class. The PSy class has an Invokes object which contains one or more Invoke instances (one for each invoke in the algorithm layer). Each Invoke has an InvokeSchedule object which is the PSyIR tree that describes the corresponding PSy-layer subroutine. This subroutine is called by the Algorithm layer and itself calls one or more kernels and/or implements any required Built-in operations.

All these classes can be specialised in each PSyclone API to support the specific features of a particular API. The class diagram for the above base classes is shown below using the LFRic API as an illustration. This class diagram was generated from the source code with pyreverse and edited with inkscape.


The InvokeSchedule can currently contain nodes of type: Loop, Kernel, Built-in (see the Built-ins section), Directive (of various types), HaloExchange, or GlobalSum (the latter two are only used if distributed memory is supported and is switched on; see the psykal_usage section). The order of the tree (depth first) indicates the order of the associated Fortran code.

Adding new Built-in operations to an API

To add a new built-in operation into an API use the following steps:

  1. Identify the PSyclone source file for the API to be extended. e.g. for the LFRic API it is src/psyclone/domain/lfric/

  2. Edit this source file to create the class for this new call. It must inherit from the API-specific parent class for Built-in operations (LFRicBuiltInKern for the LFRic API).

  3. Implement __str__ and lower_to_language_level() methods for this new class.

  4. Add the name of the new Built-in operation and its corresponding class to the BUILTIN_MAP dictionary in that source file.

  5. Add metadata describing this call to the appropriate file specified in the BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS_FILE in that source file. For the LFRic API this is src/psyclone/parse/lfric_builtins_mod.f90.

  6. Add relevant tests to the PSyclone test files for the API to be extended. e.g. for the LFRic API they are * src/psyclone/tests/domain/lfric/, * src/psyclone/tests/domain/lfric/ The tests rely on single_invoke Fortran examples in the relevant src/psyclone/tests/test_files/ subdirectory.

  7. Add an appropriate Fortran single_invoke example for the new Built-in in the relevant src/psyclone/tests/test_files/ subdirectory. e.g. for the LFRic API it is src/psyclone/tests/test_files/dynamo0p3/. Names of examples follow the template <category.number>.<subcategory.number>_<built-in_name>.f90. e.g. for the LFRic API <category.number> is 15 and <built-in_name> follows the LFRic API Built-in naming scheme.

  8. Document the new Built-in in the documentation of the relevant API (e.g. doc/dynamo0p3.rst for LFRic (Dynamo0.3) API).

If the API being extended does not currently support any Built-ins then the BUILTIN_MAP and BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS_FILE module variables must be added to the source file for the API. A Fortran module file must be created in the PSyclone src/parse directory (with the name specified in BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS_FILE) containing metadata describing the Built-in operations. Finally, parse.get_builtin_defs() must be extended to import BUILTIN_MAP and BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS_FILE for this API.