
Kernel Transformations

PSyclone is able to perform kernel transformations by obtaining the PSyIR representation of the kernel with:


Returns a PSyIR Schedule representing the kernel code. The Schedule is just generated on first invocation, this allows us to retain transformations that may subsequently be applied to the Schedule.


Schedule representing the kernel code.

Return type:


The result of psyclone.psyGen.Kern.get_kernel_schedule is a psyclone.psyir.nodes.KernelSchedule which is a specialisation of the Routine class with the is_program and return_type properties set to False and None, respectively.

In addition to modifying the kernel PSyIR with the desired transformations, the modified flag of the CodedKern node has to be set. This will let PSyclone know which kernel files it may have to rename and rewrite during the code generation.

Raising Transformations

Whenever the PSyIR is created from existing source code using one of the frontends, the result is language-level PSyIR. That is, it contains only nodes that can be mapped directly into a language such as C or Fortran by one of the PSyIR backends. In order to utilise domain-specific knowledge, this language level PSyIR must be ‘raised’ to a domain-specific PSyIR. The resulting PSyIR will then contain nodes representing higher-level concepts such as kernels or halo exchanges. This raising is performed by means of the transformations listed in the sub-sections below.

Raising Transformations for the LFRic API

class psyclone.domain.lfric.transformations.LFRicAlgTrans[source]

Transform a generic PSyIR representation of the Algorithm layer to an LFRic version with specialised domain-specific nodes.

class psyclone.domain.lfric.transformations.RaisePSyIR2LFRicAlgTrans[source]

Transform a generic PSyIR representation of an Algorithm-layer invoke call to an LFRic version with specialised domain-specific nodes.

class psyclone.domain.lfric.transformations.RaisePSyIR2LFRicKernTrans[source]

Raise a generic PSyIR representation of a kernel-layer routine and metadata to an LFRic version with specialised domain-specific nodes and symbols. This is currently limited to the specialisation of kernel metadata.

>>> from psyclone.configuration import Config
>>> from psyclone.domain.lfric.transformations import             RaisePSyIR2LFRicKernTrans
>>> from psyclone.psyir.frontend.fortran import FortranReader
>>> config = Config.get().api_conf("lfric")
>>> CODE = ("""
... MODULE example
... TYPE, EXTENDS(kernel_type) :: compute_cu
...   TYPE(arg_type), DIMENSION(4) :: meta_args = (/     &
...     arg_type(GH_FIELD, GH_REAL, GH_INC, W1),         &
...     arg_type(GH_FIELD, GH_REAL, GH_READ, W3),        &
...     arg_type(GH_FIELD, GH_REAL, GH_READ, W3),        &
...     arg_type(GH_FIELD, GH_REAL, GH_READ, W3)/)
...   PROCEDURE, NOPASS :: code => compute_cu_code
... END TYPE compute_cu
... contains
...   subroutine compute_cu_code()
...   end subroutine
... end module""")
>>> fortran_reader = FortranReader()
>>> kernel_container = fortran_reader.psyir_from_source(CODE)
>>> trans = RaisePSyIR2LFRicKernTrans()
>>> trans.apply(kernel_container, {"metadata_name": "compute_cu"})

Algorithm Transformations

In order to generate the transformed version of the algorithm with normal subroutine calls to PSy-layer routines, PSyclone provides a transformation that converts an individual AlgorithmInvokeCall into a Call to an appropriate subroutine:

class psyclone.domain.common.transformations.AlgInvoke2PSyCallTrans[source]

Base class to transform (lower) an AlgorithmInvokeCall into a standard Call to a generated PSy-layer routine. Requires the abstract get_arguments method to be implemented as the logic to create arguments can differ between APIs.

This transformation would normally be written as a lowering method on an AlgorithmInvokeCall. However, we don’t always want to lower the code as we want the flexibility to also be able to output algorithm-layer code containing invoke’s. We therefore need to selectively apply the lowering, which is naturally written as a transformation.

Algorithm Transformations for the LFRic API

Since the LFRic API has the concept of Builtin kernels, there is more work to do when transforming an invoke into a call to a PSy layer routine and therefore there is a specialised class for this:

class psyclone.domain.lfric.transformations.LFRicAlgInvoke2PSyCallTrans[source]

Transforms an LFRicAlgorithmInvokeCall into a standard Call to a generated PSy-layer routine.

This transformation would normally be written as a lowering method on a LFRicAlgorithmInvokeCall. However, we don’t always want to lower the code as we want the flexibility to also be able to output algorithm-layer code containing invoke’s. We therefore need to selectively apply the lowering, which is naturally written as a transformation.

Kernel Transformations for the GOCean and LFRic APIs

The LFRic RaisePSyIR2LFRicKernTrans and GOcean RaisePSyIR2GOceanKernTrans translate generic PSyIR to LFRic-specific Kernel PSyIR. At the moment these transformations are limited to creating Python classes for LFRic or GOcean kernel metadata, respectively. These classes allow easy reading, modification, creation and writing back of generic Kernel PSyIR.


PSyclone is able to generate code for execution on a GPU through the use of OpenACC. Support for generating OpenACC code is implemented via Transformations. The specification of parallel regions and loops is very similar to that in OpenMP and does not require any special treatment. However, a key feature of GPUs is that, typically, they have their own, on-board memory which is separate from that of the host. Managing (i.e. minimising) data movement between host and GPU is then a very important part of obtaining good performance.

Since PSyclone operates at the level of Invokes for the LFRic (Dynamo0.3) and GOcean1.0 APIs and of single routines for the NEMO API, it has no information about where an application starts and thus no single place in which to initiate data transfers to a GPU. (We assume that the host is responsible for model I/O and therefore for populating fields with initial values.) Fortunately, OpenACC provides support for this kind of situation with the enter data directive. This may be used to “define scalars, arrays and subarrays to be allocated in the current device memory for the remaining duration of the program” [ope17]. The ACCEnterDataTrans transformation adds an enter data directive to an Invoke or a routine:

class psyclone.transformations.ACCEnterDataTrans[source]

Adds an OpenACC “enter data” directive to a Schedule. For example:

>>> from psyclone.parse.algorithm import parse
>>> from psyclone.psyGen import PSyFactory
>>> api = "gocean"
>>> ast, invokeInfo = parse(GOCEAN_SOURCE_FILE, api=api)
>>> psy = PSyFactory(api).create(invokeInfo)
>>> from psyclone.transformations import         ACCEnterDataTrans, ACCLoopTrans, ACCParallelTrans
>>> dtrans = ACCEnterDataTrans()
>>> ltrans = ACCLoopTrans()
>>> ptrans = ACCParallelTrans()
>>> schedule = psy.invokes.get('invoke_0').schedule
>>> # Uncomment the following line to see a text view of the schedule
>>> # print(schedule.view())
>>> # Apply the OpenACC Loop transformation to *every* loop in the schedule
>>> for child in schedule.children[:]:
...     ltrans.apply(child)
>>> # Enclose all of these loops within a single OpenACC parallel region
>>> ptrans.apply(schedule)
>>> # Add an enter data directive
>>> dtrans.apply(schedule)
>>> # Uncomment the following line to see a text view of the schedule
>>> # print(schedule.view())

The resulting generated code will then contain an enter data directive. The directive is placed in the body of the Invoke or the routine just before the first of its statements containing an OpenACC parallel or kernels construct. All the data that is accessed on the device, i.e. on at least one of all the OpenACC parallel and kernels constructs in the Invoke or the routine, is copied to the device’s memory. For derived types, if a member is accessed on one of these constructs, in addition to that member, its parent is also copied in beforehand. This guarantees that, if the member is an allocatable or pointer, we levarage the implicit pointer attach behaviour of OpenACC.

Of course, a given field may already be on the device (and have been updated) due to a previous Invoke or routine. In this case, the fact that the OpenACC runtime does not copy over the now outdated host version of the field is essential for correctness.

On the other hand, if a section of the code must be executed on the host, it is paramount it accesses an up to date version of the data and that, at the end, any written data is returned to the device. To enable this workflow, the NEMO API supports the OpenACC update directive with either the self/host or the device clause to update each target before and after a host code section in a routine:

class psyclone.psyir.transformations.ACCUpdateTrans[source]

Examines the supplied Schedule and adds OpenACC “update” directives for any data accessed outside of a kernels or parallel region. For example:

>>> from psyclone.psyir.backend.fortran import FortranWriter
>>> from psyclone.psyir.frontend.fortran import FortranReader
>>> from psyclone.psyir.nodes import Routine
>>> from psyclone.psyir.transformations import ACCUpdateTrans
>>> code = """
... subroutine run_it()
...   real :: a(10)
...   a(:) = 7.0
... end subroutine run_it"""
>>> psyir = FortranReader().psyir_from_source(code)
>>> routine = psyir.walk(Routine)[0]
>>> # Add update directives
>>> uptrans = ACCUpdateTrans()
>>> uptrans.apply(routine)
>>> # Uncomment to see a text view of the new routine schedule
>>> # print(routine.view())
>>> print(FortranWriter()(routine))
subroutine run_it()
  real, dimension(10) :: a

  !$acc update if_present host(a)
  a(:) = 7.0
  !$acc update if_present device(a)

end subroutine run_it

The update directives will not necessarily be placed immediately next to the host code section. In fact, this could lead to poor performance whenever those sections happen to be inside a loop statement. Instead, the algorithm tries to push the directives up the routine’s body as far as legally possible as determined by the data dependencies of parallel and kernels constructs in the routine and potential dependencies in called routines. In addition, whenever the scheme would place an update directive immediately next to a previously placed update directive with the same target, these are instead combined together.

In order to support the incremental porting and/or debugging of an application, PSyclone also supports the OpenACC data directive that creates a statically-scoped data region. See the description of the ACCDataTrans transformation in the Standard Functionality section for more details.


PSyclone is able to generate an OpenCL [ope18] version of PSy-layer code for the GOcean 1.0 API and its associated kernels. Such code may then be executed on devices such as GPUs and FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays).

The PSyKAl model of calling kernels for pre-determined iteration spaces is a natural fit to OpenCL’s concept of an NDRangeKernel. However, the kernels themselves must be created or loaded at runtime, their arguments explicitly set and any arrays copied to the compute device. All of this ‘boilerplate’ code is generated by PSyclone. In order to minimise the changes required, the generated code is still Fortran and makes use of the FortCL library ( to access OpenCL functionality. We could of course generate the PSy layer in C instead but this would require further extension of PSyclone.

Consider the following invoke:

call invoke( compute_cu(CU_fld, p_fld, u_fld) )

When creating the OpenCL PSy layer for this invoke, PSyclone creates three subroutines instead of the usual one. The first, psy_init is responsible for ensuring that a valid kernel object is created for each kernel called by the invoke, e.g.:

use fortcl, only: ocl_env_init, add_kernels
! Initialise the OpenCL environment/device
CALL ocl_env_init
! The kernels this PSy layer module requires
kernel_names(1) = "compute_cu_code"
! Create the OpenCL kernel objects. Expects to find all of the
! compiled kernels in PSYCLONE_KERNELS_FILE.
CALL add_kernels(1, kernel_names)

As indicated in the comment, the FortCL::add_kernels routine expects to find all kernels in a pre-compiled file pointed to by the PSYCLONE_KERNELS_FILE environment variable. (A pre-compiled file is used instead of run-time kernel compilation in order to support execution on FPGAs.)

The second routine created by PSyclone sets the kernel arguments, e.g.:

SUBROUTINE compute_cu_code_set_args(kernel_obj, nx, cu_fld, p_fld, u_fld)
  USE clfortran, ONLY: clSetKernelArg
  USE iso_c_binding, ONLY: c_sizeof, c_loc, c_intptr_t
  INTEGER(KIND=c_intptr_t), target :: cu_fld, p_fld, u_fld
  INTEGER(KIND=c_intptr_t), target :: kernel_obj
  INTEGER, target :: nx
  ! Set the arguments for the compute_cu_code OpenCL Kernel
  ierr = clSetKernelArg(kernel_obj, 0, C_SIZEOF(nx), C_LOC(nx))
  ierr = clSetKernelArg(kernel_obj, 1, C_SIZEOF(cu_fld), C_LOC(cu_fld))
END SUBROUTINE compute_cu_code_set_args

The third routine generated is the ususal psy-layer routine that is responsible for calling all of the kernels. However, it must now also call psy_init, create buffers on the compute device (if they are not already present) and copy data over:

SUBROUTINE invoke_compute_cu(...)
  IF (first_time) THEN
    first_time = .false.
    CALL psy_init
    num_cmd_queues = get_num_cmd_queues()
    cmd_queues => get_cmd_queues()
    kernel_compute_cu_code = get_kernel_by_name("compute_cu_code")
  globalsize = (/p_fld%grid%nx, p_fld%grid%ny/)
  ! Ensure field data is on device
  IF (.NOT. cu_fld%data_on_device) THEN
    size_in_bytes = int(p_fld%grid%nx*p_fld%grid%ny, 8)* &
    ! Create buffer on device
    cu_fld%device_ptr = create_rw_buffer(size_in_bytes)
    ierr = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cmd_queues(1), cu_fld%device_ptr,  &
                            CL_TRUE, 0, size_in_bytes,       &
                            C_LOC(cu_fld%data), 0, C_NULL_PTR, &
    cu_fld%data_on_device = .true.

Note that we use the data_on_device member of the field derived type (implemented in to keep track of whether a given field has been copied to the compute device. Once all of this setup is done, the kernel itself is launched by calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel:

ierr = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cmd_queues(1), kernel_compute_cu_code, &
                              2, C_NULL_PTR, C_LOC(globalsize),      &
                              C_NULL_PTR, 0, C_NULL_PTR, C_NULL_PTR)


The current implementation only supports the conversion of a single whole Invoke to use OpenCL. In the future we may refine this functionality so that it may be applied to just a subset of kernels within an Invoke and/or to multiple invokes.

Since PSyclone knows nothing about the I/O performed by a model, the task of ensuring that the correct data is written out by a model (including when doing halo exchanges for distributed memory) is left to the dl_esm_inf library since that has the information on whether field data is local or on a remote compute device. How the data is sent or retrieved from the OpenCL device is provided by the dl_esm_inf read_from_device_* and write_to_device_* function pointers. In the current implementation it does a just-when-is-needed synchronous data transfer using a single command queue which can bottleneck the OpenCL performance if there are many I/O operations.


PSyclone supports two different inlining transformations: KernelModuleInlineTrans and InlineTrans. The former is relatively simple and creates a copy of the Kernel routine within the same Container as the routine from which it is called. The latter is far more intrusive and replaces a call to a routine with the actual body of that routine. This can be complex due to the fact that Fortran allows the bounds of arrays within a routine to differ from those at the call site, e.g.:

integer :: my_array(10)
call my_sub(my_array)

subroutine my_sub(x)
  integer, intent(inout), :: x(2:11)

As a consequence of this, ensuring that any array index expressions are correctly handled when inlining the routine body will often mean that full type information is required for every dummy argument. However, there are exceptions that arise when the dimensions of an array are not actually declared within the subroutine, e.g.:

type(my_type) :: var
call my_sub(var)

subroutine my_sub(x)
  type(my_var), intent(inout) :: x
  x%data(3:5) = ...

In this case, the definition of the array being accessed is contained within my_var and is therefore common to both the call site and the subroutine. We therefore do not require full type information for the dummy argument x in order to safely inline the routine. However, as soon as the dummy argument is in the form of an array then we will require full type information for the corresponding argument at both the call site and within the routine, e.g.:

type(my_type) :: var
call my_sub(var%data)

subroutine my_sub(x)
  real, dimension(2:5, 6) :: x
  x(2, 4) = ...

In this case, the correct index expressions for the inlined code will depend on the bounds with which the data member of my_type is declared and therefore this information must be available.

OpenMP Tasking with Taskloops

OpenMP taskloops are supported in PSyclone, currently by the combination of the OMPTaskloopTrans and the OMPTaskwaitTrans. Dependency analysis and handling is done by the OMPTaskwaitTrans, which uses its own get_forward_dependence function to compute them.


This function searches through the current section of the PSyIR tree for the given taskloop’s next forward dependency, using the dependency analysis tools provided in It searches through the tree for all Loop, OMPDoDirective, OMPTaskloopDirective, and OMPTaskwaitDirective. It then iterates forward through these until it finds:

  1. A Loop, OMPDoDirective, or OMPTaskloopDirective which contains a Read-after-Write (RaW) or Write-after-Read (WaR) dependency, in which case that node is returned as the next dependence if it is contained within the same OMPSerialDirective. If it is not contained within the same OMPSerialDirective, the taskloop’s parent OMPSingleDirective is returned instead, provided it has no nowait clause associated with it.

  2. An OMPTaskloopDirective within the same OMPSingleDirective provided the single region has no nowait clause associated with it. If this criteria is satisfied the taskloop directive is returned.

The forward dependency will never be a child node of the provided taskloop, and the dependency’s abs_position will always be great than taskloop.abs_position.

The RaW and WaR dependencies are computed by gathering all of the variable accesses contained inside the relevant directive’s subtrees (other than loop variables which are ignored), and checking for collisions between the lists. If those collisions are not both read-only, then we know there must be a RaW or WaR dependency.

If no dependency is found, then None is returned.

If a taskloop has no nogroup clause associated, it will be skipped over during the OMPTaskwaitTransformation.apply call, as any solvable dependencies will be satisfied by the implicit taskgroup.

These structures are the only way to satisfy dependencies between taskloops, and any other structures of dependent taskloops will be caught by the OMPTaskwaitTransformation.validate call, which will raise an Error explaining why the dependencies cannot be resolved.

OpenMP Tasking

OpenMP explicit tasking is also supported by PSyclone, by the OMPTaskTrans transformation. Dependencies between tasks are handled by the task directives, and validated by the containing OMPSerialDirective. OMPTaskwaitDirective nodes are added to handle any dependencies not covered by the OpenMP standard.

The OMPTaskTrans is a parallel loop trans, so explicit tasking is only supported on loops in PSyclone at this time.


When using explicit tasking, PSyclone has a variety of restrictions. These restrictions are either due to the OpenMP standard, or difficulty in computing the dependencies at compile-time.

  1. Array indices cannot be ArrayReference or ArrayMember nodes inside a task region.

  2. Array indices that are BinaryOperation nodes must have one Reference and one Literal child, and must be either ADD or SUB operations.

  3. Array indices cannot be shared variables.

  4. StructureReference nodes cannot contain multiple ArrayMember or ArrayOfStructureMember children when accessed inside a task.

  5. ArrayOfStructureReference nodes cannot contain any ArrayMember or ArrayOfStructureMember children when accessed inside a task.

  6. The left hand side of any Assignment node must be a Reference or sub-class inside a task region.

  7. Loop nodes inside task regions must not have a shared loop variable.

  8. Loop nodes inside task regions must not have ArrayReference nodes for the start, stop or step expressions.

Dependency computation details

OpenMP task nodes in PSyclone will have 5 Clause children, 3 data-sharing attribute clauses (OMPPrivateClause, OMPFirstprivateClause, OMPSharedClause) and 2 dependency clauses (OMPDependClause, one with IN DependClauseType and the other with OUT DependClauseType).

These are computed at code-generation time. The data-sharing clauses are based upon the information from the ancestor OMPParallelDirective. All variables declared as private or firstprivate by the ancestor parallel region will be either private or firstprivate for the task (but not necessarily the same as for the ancestor), while all variables declared shared by the ancestor parallel region will be explicitly declared either shared or firstprivate for the task.

To help improve dependencies between tasks, PSyclone introduces the concepts of “parent loop variable” and “proxy loop variable”.

A parent loop variable is the loop variable of any ancestor Loop node that is contained in the subtree of the ancestor OMPParallelDirective of the task.

A proxy loop variable is the variable of a child Loop node, where the loop’s start node is based upon a parent loop variable, e.g. if i is a parent loop variable, then loops such as do j=i, i+32 or do k=i+1, i+33 would satisfy the criteria, and both j and k would be marked as proxy loop variables.

When computing dependencies on indices that are proxy loop variables, the dependency system will ensure that the relevant parent loop variable is firstprivate, and then use the parent loop variable in the dependency clause instead of the proxy loop variable (i.e. in the previous code segments, dependencies based upon j or k would instead be based upon i). This enables the dependencies to exist upon smaller sections of arrays, which we expect to improve parallelism both between loop iterations and between loops.

In addition, rather than creating dependencies to array sections, PSyclone will aim to create dependencies to individual indices of arrays, so a dependency on array(i:i+32) is instead created on array(i). If the array access uses a BinaryOperation for indexing, the array will appear multiple times in the depend clause, with each index being based upon the step size of the containing loop where possible. If PSyclone cannot reduce the dependency to a single element, then the full array will be indexed in the depend clause instead.

All array dependencies are validated by the OMPSerialDirective. If there are dependencies between tasks that will not be covered by the computed OMPDependClause nodes, then additional OMPTaskwaitDirectives will be added to ensure code correctness.

If an OpenMP task region contains an LBOUND, UBOUND or SIZE intrinsic inside an if condition or a loop condition, and that intrinsic contains an array section then PSyclone may generate extra dependencies, which may hurt code performance. If this causes issues, please open an issue.